
Donald Trump: Gaining Money Like Every Average Person

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Donald Trump, President of the United States of America, once stated, “money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.” As an owner of golf courses, casinos, and hotels, money wouldn't be hard to get. What if Donald Trump was never the owner of any big industry and was earning money like every average person?
The advantages of earning money by yourself, and buying your own things is much more satisfying than knowing you could just go to the store and buy whatever you want.

First of all you wouldd have to earn your own money by working. Ways you can work are mowing lawns, raking leaves, shoveling snow, and walking dogs. If you are not an outside person there are always jobs to do inside, examples are baby sittings, cooking, and laundry. Other ways to earn money could be becoming a Youtuber, tutoring, workout instructor, or even a translator. If all else fails, you can sell some of your stuff or get a real job. Working at a restaurant, gas station, auto shop, or any business that suits your interest. …show more content…

The idea of saving your money would be to buy something more expensive later or wait to spend it on more important things like college, cars, or even a home. Reasons why you should save are injuries, getting fired, and taxes. Ways to save are opening another bank account, not going out so much, and buy only what is needed in everyday

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