Donald Trump does not deserve to represent our country as president. His harsh comments he has said can sometimes be seen as racial comments. He thinks that what he says is fair because of how bad our country is at the moment and he wants us to open our eyes to all that is happening. Donald Trump is one to say things that most of the time come off as a rude and racist comments to those listening to what he has to say. A few of those times he has false claims about things he really doesn’t know the full story of. He said, “I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down”(Trump, 2015). There just so happened to be a large Arab population in Jersey City, New Jersey and they watched as the World Trade Center came down on 9/11. A lieutenant said, “. . .there are no indicators that this ever happened”(Hertling, 2015). What lieutenant General Mark Hertling said that his statements were false and that they were not helpful to the commanders on the ground. The worst part about Donald Trump’s false claims is that his supporters actually stand by him and say that what he “saw” was correct. The men and women that support all that he does from all over the world actually called in and said that what he …show more content…
He said, “I would bomb those suckers. And that’s right. I’d blow up the pipes, I’d blow up the refiners, I’d blow up every single inch that there would be nothing left. I would take their oil”(Trump, 2015). For Donald Trump to say this, he would have to know where this group must be. He thinks that if we were to go after the families of the men and women in the ISIS group, we could take them down. Everyone must care for someone in this world and even the members of ISIS are capable of caring for their own family members. So he believes that if we take down the families of ISIS members, ISIS will also come down with those family
Anyone with a TV, Radio, Newspaper, Phone or ears have heard nothing but horrible things about trump over the past year or two. Every corner you look, or media you scroll on something will be pushed in front of your face on the negative aspect of Donald Trump. Casually scrolling through facebook and I notice yet again another, horrible headline for Trump. “Donald Trump Wrongly Corrected A Veteran About The Suicide Rate”. Being intrigued I clicked on it. It was a video, taken at the the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Commander-in-Chief Forum. Rachel Fredericks, aviations operations in the Marine Corps, asked trump a simple question on what he planned to do about the sing rates of suicidal veterans due to PTSD. Trump did not respond, instead he decided to 1. Not answer the question completely and 2, corrected Rachel with wrong information.
Staff Sgt. Mark R. De Alencar died in Afghanistan on April 8, his wife Natasha De Alencar got a phone by Trump days later and he it said,” I’m so sorry to hear about the whole situation. What a, what a horrible thing except that he is an unbelievable hero and you know all the people who served with him are saying how incredible he was and just an amazing,amazing guy.” This proves that Trump can actually keep his word--too some. After Trump attacked Florida Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson her role in the phone call between him and Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, after he was killed
In article "The Fake News President", Progressive political comic's author Will Durst professes, "When a reporter pointed out the discrepancy, Trump dismissed him with, 'Well, I don't know, I was given that information.' Presumably by the same people who told him he won the debates, enjoys widespread popularity, and has accomplished
Donald Trump is portrayed as a lying, evil individual in the media. Although we may not know the complete and total truth, we are able to identify that he is lying about something. For example, one of the very first things Trump had said to gather the attention of the audience would be about getting rid of all illegal immigrants. Rapidly, people began turning their heads and opening their ears when they finally understood what he was trying to do. “The consistency and emotional appeal
It is important to critically analyze claims for potential deception and misleading statements because of many reasons. First, rhetoric can either inspire a nation, or it can destroy a nation. If rhetoric is manipulative and deceptive, citizens can fall into the trap, and begin to believe hateful and untrue things that affect people’s views. It is important that citizens can recognize when leaders are deceiving us, so they can call it out and try to not let others fall into as well. If one does not check for deception when looking at a piece of rhetoric, they could vote for things that clearly are not within their self-interest. A rhetor can strategically relay the
That your petitioners like all men according to Locke, are entitled to property and the protection of their property rights through civil government. That no harm comes to another in life, health, liberty, processions (Oufutt,102). That God gave the world the Earth to cultivate and make their own but not to have others bare the fruit of another’s hard labor.
Presidential elections are an important aspect of U.S. history. This year is probably one of the more interesting ones since Donald Trump, an entertainer, is running for president even though he has no experience with politics. His campaign is widely criticized but he still holds a major lead from 30-40% depending on the state. Donald Trump should not be the President of United States at all, his views are bigoted, sexist and racist. Our president should not feel that he is superior to others and constantly degrade others for their race, religion, gender, etc. Not only are his views disgraceful but he has no past experience with politics,
Donald trump is a rich smart man and he is running for president and is trying his best to become president.He wants to be president because he wants to make america great again and that's what he has been going with scenes that started that campaign.Of running for president and he is going to be trying to become president and he wants to make america.Great by sending all terrorist back to their homeland that way they aren't her killing us and
Trump supporters have spent the past year and a half blinding themselves to facts rather then give up their carnival barker who spews feel-good phrases about building walls and putting political opponents in jail. But who cares what a person’s policy agenda turns out to be as long as they are saying what you want to hear?
Racist comments and actions absolutely pervade the atmosphere surrounding Donald Trump and his campaign. At a recent event Trump hosted at a sports center in Alabama, a 53 year old man by the name of Jim Sherota is quoted as saying a few pretty horrific
President Bush uses facts to help support the claims he has made. According to Bush he claims that, “Saddam Hussein has placed Iraqi troops and equipment in civilian areas,” He gives outs information to let people know that Hussein uses his own people and that in certain areas in certain areas of Iraq, he has place his troops there. The civilians lives are put at stake and Bush stated on March 22,2002 Saddam hussein is a man who is willing to gas his own people. This attack happen in mid March 1988, when the Iraqi army was fighting against Iran. Throughout the speech the world allies and out military force keeps showing up “We will meet that threat now with out army, air force, navy, coast guard and marines….” Bush claims that, we have the
Moral panics within the media have depicted Muslims and Mexicans to be a threat; since Trump does not trust the established media it must be assumed that he has been getting his information from other media sources. He could be spreading a moral panic
To clarify, why don’t we start a small introduction about this guy and his speeches about immigration. First of all, Trump is a candidate for president of the United States, which is in a high position to speak up for things that may be causing many problems in the USA. As a candidate, Trump must say what he is willing or going to do after becoming a president of the United Sates. Moreover, he says many things and there is a thing that we want to point it out as a main point of our research. Trump says,” We need to stop giving legal immigrant visas to people bent on causing us harm. From the 9/11 hijackers, to the Boston Bombers, and many others, our immigration system is being used to attack us”(Trump’s website). This quotation shows us how Trump feels about immigrants and their intention about coming to the USA. Which makes us think about the consequences later on. More importantly, trump’s ideas about immigration are unrealistic; this paints a negative image or reputation of all other immigration groups.
“Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign,” Trump said, as the crowd cheered. “Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over.”
Out of the three country, when thinking about the most accessible country for to people to go and not too expensive. Additionally a country where we would be able to spend more money on providing services, than getting the money for each person to use to be there. In this country, we would be able to work with another organization, so that it will be able easier to work and more effective. This country is a better option, than the other two countries, as I would be able to speak the language and understand too. Additionally, the flight would be cheaper and not take hours to get there. Overall, going to Mexico will be more effective to travel to provide aid by building home with the help of Habitat for Humanity that already there to help make