
Donald Trump Persuasive Essay

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Donald Trump does not deserve to represent our country as president. His harsh comments he has said can sometimes be seen as racial comments. He thinks that what he says is fair because of how bad our country is at the moment and he wants us to open our eyes to all that is happening. Donald Trump is one to say things that most of the time come off as a rude and racist comments to those listening to what he has to say. A few of those times he has false claims about things he really doesn’t know the full story of. He said, “I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down”(Trump, 2015). There just so happened to be a large Arab population in Jersey City, New Jersey and they watched as the World Trade Center came down on 9/11. A lieutenant said, “. . .there are no indicators that this ever happened”(Hertling, 2015). What lieutenant General Mark Hertling said that his statements were false and that they were not helpful to the commanders on the ground. The worst part about Donald Trump’s false claims is that his supporters actually stand by him and say that what he “saw” was correct. The men and women that support all that he does from all over the world actually called in and said that what he …show more content…

He said, “I would bomb those suckers. And that’s right. I’d blow up the pipes, I’d blow up the refiners, I’d blow up every single inch that there would be nothing left. I would take their oil”(Trump, 2015). For Donald Trump to say this, he would have to know where this group must be. He thinks that if we were to go after the families of the men and women in the ISIS group, we could take them down. Everyone must care for someone in this world and even the members of ISIS are capable of caring for their own family members. So he believes that if we take down the families of ISIS members, ISIS will also come down with those family

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