
Donald Trump Persuasive Speeches

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Hey, remember when Donald Trump was a nice person? Yeah, me neither. I find him being a presidential candidate is a joke. I’ve known him since June and he has shown me nothing but his true personality. As time goes by, I feel like I get to know the real side of him. Let me introduce you who he is. Donald Trump is a man who is passionate about his job, determined, immature, obnoxious, disrespectful, arrogant, ignorant, racist, sexist, selfish, inconsiderate and a rapist. Not only that, but he has impossible plans for the future if he ever entered presidency, but he does not know how to achieve them. Donald Trump shouldn't be the president because he is useless to us like how a bike is useless to a fish. Donald Trump is a fish bone in the throat, …show more content…

He is right, we do need to build a wall, so we can put him on the other side. Why would you want a guy who’s been filed for bankruptcy 5 times to be in charge of our nation’s economy? He shouldn't become the president of America because his plans are so impulsive. Wanting to deport more than 11 million immigrants? Wanting to build a Great Wall to divide people? Prejudice and wanting to separate people? If we let this man run the country, he might even exceed his “Great Wall” and he might come up with an idea to send all immigrants and anchor babies to work in camps where we will have to paid. Doesn’t this sound familiar? Do not let the story repeat. He does not care about children or the families being torn apart, just like the muslims, instead of being grateful that we have many things because of them. Doesn’t that triggers you? Imagining a family being torn apart just because of their race or their religion. Until today I still do not understand how people can still try to blame the entire group of Muslims for one incident. It is so irrelevant because everyone in this planet is so different and you can not judge someone based on the actions of someone else that they don’t even know. Just because one Muslim attacked someone, does not mean all Muslims will. No group of people deserves that type of prejudice or judgement or fear. This makes me extremely furious because ever since 9/11 there has been so …show more content…

We should not let him because we want to protect America’s future. We should not let him become the president because we need to make America a better place. By electing Trump, America will not become great. According to NBC News Trump said “I will build the wall, secure the border, deport illegal aliens who commit felonies.” If he wants to kick out illegal aliens, he should kick out the whites too because they stole Native American’s lands in the first place. Wanting to send African-Americans back and blame them for all crimes even though it is not even their fault, and giving them inequality treatments? Instead of blaming them for coming here, we should blame those people in South for stealing them and selling them to become slaves. They only wanted Africans to be slaves and follow their rules but when they started to gain freedom, those people want to send them back. According to NYT “Obamacare is destroying the US economy.” Even though it might destroy the U.S economy, it is saving people’s lives, do we really care about money more than a human’s life? Donald Trump is the one who should be worrying because at least Obama didn’t filed a bankruptcy. Speaking your mind is good, but Donald Trump takes it to an extreme level, his loud mouth might affect the future relations. To prevent this we should not make him become the president. I do not hate Donald Trump, he is just a

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