
Donald Trump Should Not Be President Essay

Decent Essays

Donald Trump should not be President of the USA
Donald Trump should not be President of the United States of America because he does not support abortion and offers a punishment for doctors giving the abortion, if he makes it illegal so many great doctors and pregnant women will have to punish for doing what they think is right. Donald Trump dislikes Mexican immigrants coming into the US so he stated that he is going to build a wall between Mexico and the US. Lastly he does not support gun control and feels like no one needs a permit or background check to own a gun.
Trump has said on numerous occasions that he is pro-life and does not support abortion. He wants to ban late term abortions …show more content…

Trump want to build a wall on the border of Mexico and the US which he claims, will not only keep out undocumented immigrants but Syrian migrants as well. Trump has said in an interview, “look we are going to have a border and it’s going to be a real border and we are going to build a wall and it is going to be a serious wall, you remember I said it and remember this also Mexico is going to pay for the wall.” The estimated cost of the wall is between 2.2billion and 13billion which is a huge amount of money Mexico has the pay, for a wall they don’t want nor need. By creating a wall between Mexico and the US definitely will not go down well because Mexicans can retaliate and it could create a war. Unless a war is wanted Donald Trump should not be president.
Donald Trump is against gun control and thinks is does not reduce crime. He believes that someone should be able to buy a gun without needing a permit and not having a background check. Trump revealed he has a concealed carry permit and that when it comes to gun and magazine bans, “the government has no business dictating what types of firearms good, honest people are allowed to own”. He would also oppose an expansion of background checks. With anyone allowed a gun in America

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