
Donald Trump: The Most Controversial President

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Donald Trump is the president America deserve

Donald Trump might be one of the most controversial people in a long time. It's almost like wherever he goes controversy follows him around. And to make things more interesting he is expected to win as most of the polls showing that(1). The controversy that follows the future president is not limited to a single topic, it varies from religion to racism to sexism etc. However even after all this Donald Trump is having one of the most impressive and entertaining presidential campaigns of all time. This is not a stroke of luck, but instead it is an extremely well thought plan. And a president who can become by doing things that Donald Trump has done and said like “I will build a great wall – and …show more content…

There are so many concerns about the wall, that it's almost impossible to sum them all up. One of the important facts would be that a 1900 mile wall would require over 339 million cubic feet of concrete which would cost about 25$ billion dollars. Which as he has said,’’I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words”(9) But the here is no way that Mexico will be able to spend about 25 billion dollars on the walls and as the Mexican resident has said,”He Isn’t Out to ‘Screw’ His Country”(10), the cost isn't even the major concern another major concern would be the fact that an enormous amount of environmental damage. And major reason would be the fact that there is no reason to build a wall even though Trump insist that,”China built a wall, and guess how many Mexicans they have”(11), but it would make no difference. There are no Mexicans in China because of the fact that they both are in two separate continents and not because of a wall and most of the Mexicans don't cross the border between America and Mexico on land but they do it through Planes. So an easier and more effective way would be to increase the security at the airports. However this whole situation could be easily explained as Hillary Clinton said,”Every day, in every way, Donald Trump’s presidential …show more content…

They both blame one specific group of people for everything wrong with their country. As Hitler claimed that Jews were taking over the country and for stealing all the high-earning jobs, Donald Trump blames all immigrants for it, especially Mexicans as he says, "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they're sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bring crime. They're rapists… And some, I assume, are good people"(13), so clearly both of the ideas have similarities. Anyone who is paying attention can recognize that his supporters mostly consists of white supremacists they see hims as an anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican. He’s also pro-white, at least from their point of view. They see him as an ally. But Trump is against war, as he said "I'm no warmonger. But the fact is, if we decide a strike against Iraq is necessary, it is madness not to carry the mission to its conclusion. When we don't, we have the worst of all worlds”(14). This shows that trump is anti war, he doesn't want to go to war because wars are expensive and America can't afford one right now. He is a lot more better at handling wars and as he says, "Look at the war in Iraq and the mess that we're in. I would

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