
Doreen Collyer

Decent Essays

By Zak Groenewald-Shield

Just last Sunday 60 year-old lady Doreen Collyer was on her regular dive in the azure blue transparent waters of Mindarie beach, a kilometre off shore, happily paddling around in the ocean exploring the tunnels and caves with all sorts of colourful reef fish- ods and groupers, Coral trout, Emperors, Fusiliers, Parrotfishes , Surgeonfishes , Sweetlip darting around her in bursts of colour and diving into moss green seaweed crevices. Collyer would often dive just after having her usual Sunday morning decaf coffee with her two beloved children at the Mindarie marina. ON this still, June morning, Collyer was looking forward to this dive as it would be her one-hundredth. It should have been a joyous occasion but as she …show more content…

Two of those attacks were in the last month and the rates are increasing.

Sharks don’t discriminate against age, gender or occupation they attack everyone, this is shown through seven of the fourteen recent attacks (pictured below) where young and old, male and female as well as fathers of young children are all attacked. People are attacked by sharks no matter what their doing, for example sharks have killed people who are surfing, people who are scuba diving as well as killed people who are just going for a swim

Background – history of shark attacks in WA

31 May, 2016: 29 year old surfer Ben Gerring died after his leg was torn off by a great white shark on 31 May 2016 south of Perth near …show more content…

His shredded swimming costume was later found.
November 6, 2000: Businessman and father-of-three Ken Crew, 49, died after his leg was torn off by what Fisheries officers believe was a white pointer shark up to 4m long at North Cottesloe beach.
Government response to threat of sharks

The West Australian Government has ruled out a return to drum lines off beaches following a shark attack at Mandurah, but will continue to hunt and trap sharks it believes are a threat to swimmers.
"When we introduced that policy, the rest of Australia and national media was aghast that we might catch and kill a shark," Premier Colin Barnett said.
"The policy did not prove effective in catching great whites and the great white shark was principally the problem," he said.

The Greens View :

"Our Bill ends the exemption to the EPBC Act that has allowed Colin Barnett's cruel cull to go ahead. It will also prevent the Federal Environment Minister from granting any future exemptions to the Act for the purposes of using drum lines to catch sharks," Greens Leader Senator Christine Milne said

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