
Doublethink In George Orwell's 1984

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Because of the way media is controlled and displayed in the united states, one can perceive our society to be like the one in 1984, and one can see that through the experiences Winston went through. Winston experienced the thought police, telescreens, fabricated wars, and fabricated media, just like we do every single day. The only difference between us and Winston's society is that we don’t know that it is going on.

One would argue that our society in the United States is just like the one in 1984 but ours has a mask over it. You can tell if you look just hard enough in our society. No one knows who is really in control, everyone just thinks its “ The government”. Some people are even stupid enough to think the president is in charge of the …show more content…

This practice is called "doublethink," and leaves no feeling that reality has been disregarded. This brain control, or memory control, permits the Party to shape their reality: "Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past". This quote is essential on the grounds that it is one of the principle objectives of Big sibling is to control the past and they way individuals view it. In the event that you can control somebody's brain you can control the world. In america we have a comparable type of doublethink yet again it is only difficult to see. Government officials frequently utilize types of doublethink when they deliberately and intentionally lie. Another case in our own general public, is our media. They will make up anything just to turn a head. Pictures are photoshopped, big names are misquoted, individuals hack into other individuals' private records. Every one of these things prompted making you trust a sure untrue story. It appears that the main thing that you can trust now a days is yourself and perhaps the following nearest individual to your heart. Individuals will make up and utilization anything just to motivate you to think a sure route simply like

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