
Down Syndrome By Kim Edwards Summary

Decent Essays

The author of this story is Kim Edwards. She was born in Killen, Texas. Texas is a very religious place so it would be fitting that she got this idea from church. The lady that went to church with her told her a story about man who discovered later in life that is brother had been born with Down’s Syndrome and placed in an institution at birth. This was kept a secret much like Phoebe’s situation. Except in Phoebe’s situation Caroline decided to keep Phoebe has her own. Phoebe was given a good life unlike this man’s brother. His brother died in the institution, unknown by all his family even his own mother. Edwards heard this story and was stuck with an idea of a story, but with a happier ending. At first she was not going to write the novel, but the secret at the center of the family compelled her to do so. …show more content…

She had to do much researching to create a convincing character who was not a stereotype without being sentimental or patronizing. Edwards states she was “enlightened” by writing this novel because it broke her own stereotype of people living with down syndrome. It gave her a better idea of what people with down syndrome struggle with on a daily basis. The author studied down syndrome in order to create a more convincing character and not a stereotype. She even states that she started reading and researching to accomplish this goal. She spoke with individuals from that time period in order to convey the time period correctly. She states that they were a terrific help and very candid and

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