To all parents, a newborn child is a small miracle, perfect and beautiful in every way. However, in many situations the parents of these miracles learn that their children are “not normal.” Every year 6,000 parents across the country are informed that their child has a genetic disorder called Down Syndrome (“National Down Syndrome Society,” n.d.). Within a matter of minutes parents learn that children with Down Syndrome can also have a variety of other conditions and disorders, will not develop in the same way that other children do, and may even have a shorter life span. However, children with Down Syndrome are happy-go-lucky children with a kind disposition and a wonderful personality. Also known as Trisomy 21, Down Syndrome does not …show more content…
However, the easily spotted physical characteristics are not the only symptoms of Down Syndrome; the symptoms and medical conditions have the potential to go much deeper. Cognitive developmental delays are extremely common in those who have Down Syndrome. This means that these children are often slower to learn, be it educational knowledge from school or even learning to walk and talk. As children, those with Down Syndrome develop more slowly and will often hit major milestones after other children. In addition, many have shorter attention spans and will behave impulsively. ( When listing all of the symptoms it is easy to believe that those with Down Syndrome are entirely different than those without the syndrome and cannot function within the normal society. However, this is not true at all. These individuals may appear slightly different, and many people expect that they have severe cognitive disabilities. However, Down Syndrome is usually only present with mild cognitive differences and those with the syndrome can live lives that are just as beneficial as those without. These people are human beings as well, capable of relationships, being educated, holding jobs, and acting as normal, playful, and happy children and adults. Down Syndrome is simply a difference in
There are no standard medical problem or physical defect that is linked with all patients with Down Syndrome. The symptoms can differ from one child to another, which is why some child patients require a lot of medical help, whereas many others live healthily (Girod, 2001).
This paper will look at the meaning behind the word Watchtowers. I will define the word and discuss such things as what it means to me and how it is used in practice. I will discuss why this word is important to me and why it is important to know. I will discuss how I will use this work and why I will use this word in my own practice.
Down syndrome doesn’t just show up during your life, you’re not going to just start noticing you have Down syndrome in the middle of your life or be diagnosed with it later on. You’re born with it; you have no way to get rid of it at any time. You can’t change it. Down syndrome is a chromosomal condition that is linked to intellectual disability. Each human should have 46 chromosomes, 23 from the father, and 23 from the mother. But whenever you have a child with Down syndrome they are born
known risk factor is advanced maternal age-at age 35, a woman has 1 chance in
The article “Down Syndrome” reviewed by Dr. Mary Gavin, thoroughly explains the causes, affects and diagnosis of the condition. This genetic condition involves the individual gaining an extra chromosome, ending up with 47 instead of 46. A person with Down syndrome facial and bodily features will be distinctly unique, making it easy to characterize them from others. Consistent medical attention is crucial for a child with the condition, even if the child appears to have no significant health concerns. With out proper care, the child could develop pulmonary hypertension, worsened vision and hearing, seizures, asthma, infections etc. Prenatal screening
· A robust business plan provides a path for changing a company’s profitable enterprises (Wagner, 2017). If the program of activities are not well written or researched, it can cause the company to fail. Starting any business has a price, so
Down syndrome occurs in people who were born with three, rather than two, copies of the 21st chromosome. This extra genetic material is what brings about the effects of Down’s syndrome. It is often characterized by an impairment of cognitive (process of thought) ability. Most people with Down syndrome have lower than average, mild to moderate, cognitive ability and this cannot be predicted at birth. A smaller number fall into the severe impairment range. Physically, people with Down’s syndrome are smaller in stature, have less muscle tone, and have noticeably different facial features. The number of these births occurs approximately in one out of every one thousand ( As of 2007, the number of people in the United States with Down syndrome stood at about 350,000. These numbers will shrink because now (most) potential parents can know the condition of the fetus early. This information is included to let the reader relate to the struggles that some with Down syndrome goes through.
a child who doesn´t. When a child has down syndrome there are very noticeable symptoms like: flattened facial features, short neck, small head or poor muscle tone . Some other symptoms that could be present are: more flexibility than a healthy person would have, brushfield spots which are tiny dots on the iris of the eye or unusually shaped ears. Although babies with Down syndrome seem to be the same size as normal babies, they end up growing slower causing some of the unusual formalities. Also things like walking or sitting can happen at a later age than usual for kids with this genetic disorder (3). Not only are there physical symptoms that are easier for us to notice but there are also health problems that can occur with this disorder as well. Babies who have Down syndrome are likely to have health problems like: mild to moderate cognitive disabilities, heart defects, depression or behavior problems and many others
Those with Down syndrome often experience physical issues such as poor muscle tone and poor immune function (Carmeli, Kessel, Merrick, & Bar-Chad, 2014). Individuals who are born with Down syndrome often need extensive help making adult decisions throughout their lives, but the severity of cases varies heavily within individuals that have Down syndrome. Down syndrome has some clear physical features, but it also has a number of features that affect the individual; for instance, individuals with Down syndrome are more likely to experience problems with congenital heart disease (Glasson, Dye, & Bittles,
Down syndrome takes its name from Dr. Langdon Down. He was the first person to describe the syndrome in 1866. The earliest recorded incident of someone having Down syndrome dates back to an altar piece painted in a church in Aachen, Germany in 1504. Although the syndrome is named after Dr Langdon Down, he did not understand the condition, as we know it today. The syndrome was referred to as having mongolism. This was because people who have Down syndrome have similar physical characteristics to those people of oriental heritage.
Babies are born with poor muscle tone causing weak muscles and making it harder for them to develop motor skills such as using their arms and legs. It is harder for them to grasp objects, crawl, and walk. Children with Down syndrome have difficulty with their cognitive (thinking) abilities, problem solving, memory retention, social, language, and motor skills. This is one reason why people with Down syndrome become frustrated very easily.
A person that has Down syndrome may have some physical problems or disabilities. Some common physical problems are: short necks, poor muscle tone, a small head and an overall smaller body. Approximately one third of babies born with Down syndrome have heart defects, most of which are now
Moreover, most people agree that marijuana is not as highly addictive as caffeine. (The elements of moral philosophy) One of the other important defend that people who want to legalize marijuana usually said is the health effects of marijuana. More and more researches are conducting to prove the assumption that “addiction and dependence are relatively minor problems, especially compared with alcohol and tobacco” and “moderate use of marijuana does not appear to pose a risk for otherwise healthy adults.” (6 Powerful Reasons to Legalize Marijuana) Additionally, the Times also stated that marijuana can alleviate epilepsy, pain from AIDS, nausea from chemotherapy as well as treating glaucoma, Crohn’s disease, muscle spasms related to multiple sclerosis.
Once faced with the fact you have a Down Syndrome baby however, the baby will
Down syndrome is a chromosomal condition that affects 1in every 700 kids. Down syndrome is when a child has and extra copy of chromosome 21. Down syndrome has many ways of telling if the child has down syndrome, like physical features. You can also tell if a child has down syndrome based on how they act. There are different ways of obtaining down syndrome. Kids with down syndrome are no different than kids that were born with the normal set of chromosomes, they just act a little different and need a little bit more help.