
Dr. Carol Dweck On Fixed Vs. Growth Mindsets

Good Essays

Critical Self-Reflection Essay In 1990, the American Philosophical Association defined critical thinking as “purposeful, self-regulatory process that results in reasoned judgment”. Critical thinking can be defined in a number of similar phrases that all seem to focus on the importance of conscious analysis. Our text starts off with the working phases of critical thinking as analyzing thinking, evaluating thinking, and improving thinking. The process of critical thought is cyclical and not linear. Being a “fair-minded critical thinker” is not a permanent attribute, and it must be consistently worked at as applying intellectual standards and elements of reasoning instead of emotion can be difficult. Overall, to be a strong critical thinker you must work toward strong intellectual traits such humility, courage, and integrity to better represent issues and or arguments.
Critical Thinking on a Personal Level Watching the YouTube clip “Dr. Carol Dweck on Fixed vs. Growth Mindsets” helped me to realize some of my personal shortcomings in critical thinking, including that I was certainly brought up to believe there are just some things that you are good at and some things that you are not good at. Dr. Carol Dweck says that talents and abilities can be cultivated through effort and instruction, which can speak directly to …show more content…

I would largely benefit from expanding my use of critical thinking in many areas of life from reading news articles to commenting on family members’ Facebook posts. In reading the news I may infer that if a certain new outlet (i.e. Fox or MSNBC) reported something it is untrue. If I am at a retail store and I see someone upset at a register, speaking with a cashier, I will often time infer that the customer has claimed something unreasonable. When certain family members post about politics, I will often infer/assume that what they are saying opposite of my own

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