
Dr. Howard, Le Corbusier, And Frank Lloyd Wright Essay

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Imagine a city where no green space can be found. Where concrete and steel buildings rise up and block the sun. Where streets are chaotic and gridlocked and citizens are stuffed in cramped, dirty and unsanitary apartments. This was the world of 19th-century cities where human health and happiness were disregarded for economic gain. These horrid conditions shaped the lives and ideas of three very influential men: Ebenezer Howard, Le Corbusier, and Frank Lloyd Wright. They took their own experiences and redesigned the sprawling metropolis to improve the lives of the residents. Each man created urban utopias that included green spaces, farms, and parks to improve air quality and the livelihoods of the people. Despite theses similar views, each design differed from the others. Howard, Le Corbusier, and Wright all completely reimagined the urban city in differing ways based on scale, distribution of land and technology. Their design concepts have been adapted across the globe and implemented into modern urban planning everywhere.
Ebenezer Howard created revolutionary concepts with his “Town-Country Magnet” idea. This idealistic paper combines the healthy amenities of the country with the economic machine of the city; two entities that were, at the time, completely segregated. He reinvented this space and called it the “Garden City” (Howard 373). This urban decentralization used a circular plan and designated each ring to a different use, separated by expansive avenues and

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