
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Chapter 1 Summary

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Jekyll and Hyde – Plot Summary Chapters 1 – 3 The Mysterious Mr Hyde Utterson and Enfield walk past a neglected building which reminds Enfield of a crime in which a man named Hyde trampled young girl. Enfield explains that he put pressure on Hyde to pay for his crime. Hyde went into the building and came out with a cheque signed by Dr Henry Jekyll Utterson is concerned by Jekyll's will, which leaves everything to Hyde. He visits Lanyon and discovers that he and Jekyll have fallen out. Utterson meets Hyde and really dislikes him. It turns out that the building Hyde went into when Enfield saw him is the laboratory at Jekyll's home. Utterson concludes that Hyde is blackmailing Jekyll. Utterson attends a dinner party thrown by Jekyll. Utterson …show more content…

Later Utterson shows Guest the letter, who points out the similarity between the handwriting of Jekyll and Hyde. Chapters 6 – 8 Jekyll is in Trouble There's still no sign of Hyde, and Jekyll becomes more like his old self. But a few months later he hides himself away from his friends again. Utterson visits Lanyon who's very ill. Lanyon refuses to talk about Jekyll. He says he's had a terrible shock and expects to die soon. Jekyll writes to Utterson to say that he can't see his friends any more. Lanyon dies and leaves Utterson a letter to be read after Jekyll's death or disappearance. Utterson and Enfield walk past Jekyll's house and see Jekyll sitting in the window. They invite him out for a walk, but a sudden look of terror comes across his face and he quickly shuts the window. Poole comes to Utterson's house because he's very worried about Jekyll. They go to Jekyll's laboratory and shout to Jekyll, but the voice that responds sounds like Hyde. They break in and discover Hyde dead on the floor, having poisoned himself. There 's no sign of Jekyll. A letter on the desk addressed to Utterson tells him to read Lanyon's letter and then Jekyll's …show more content…

The shock that Jekyll and Hyde are the same person caused Lanyon's death. Jekyll's confession reveals that he had turned into Hyde without meaning to in the park. He wrote to Lanyon, asking for his help to retrieve the ingredients he needed for his potion. Jekyll's confession reveals that he had turned into Hyde without meaning to in the park. He wrote to Lanyon, asking for his help to retrieve the ingredients he needed for his potion. Jekyll writes that he came from a respectable family, but he was ashamed of his darker desires. He created a drug that allowed him to transform between Jekyll, his original self, and Hyde, his purely evil side. As time went on, Jekyll started to turn into Hyde without taking the drug. He eventually ran out of drugs, which meant that he would become Hyde

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