
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: An Analysis

Decent Essays

When injustice threatens the livelihood of which American values should stand, people have rightfully grown to fight for equal rights that should have already been bestowed upon them. Over the past few years, there has been a rise in the mention and attention towards peaceful protesting regarding human liberties. Matters involving the pursuit and acceptance of identity and necessity of rights is beginning to prevail as the new norm. People who live in a free society are obligated to speak their minds and to spread justified, true beliefs; a free society is based upon the proof of equality that people of all kinds are structured upon. Within a free society, peaceful resistance and protests positively impact the people, communities, and future …show more content…

Famous for his distinguished, non-violent actions for advancing civil rights in the 1950s-1960s, Martin Luther King Jr. remains a martyr through peaceful protests that are still currently ongoing. Following the death of Michael Brown, America was spun into action, and entire communities were devoted to the loss of of life; injustice was molded into a brand, BlackLivesMatter, where people of all walks of life came, and still come together as one to peacefully protest for righteousness. No stranger to peaceful activism, these protests have been endorsed by the country in its entirety and others who were wronged similarly, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, and endless others, have stimulated thoughts that “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” (MLK Jr.). The spark for these protests have been lit for a long time; they were not pursued simply from the unrighteous death. These advocates are protesting decades of abuse and intolerance, and like MLK Jr. said of the same in …show more content…

The ability to protest has provided people with the conclusion that transcends time: those who never move, never notice their

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