
Dr. Mccabe : A Motivational Advisor Who Cares About The Professional And Personal Development

Good Essays

Jenn McCabe is a motivational advisor who cares about the professional and personal development of the chapter officers and members. She was on a family leave of absence for eight weeks and still made it to all of our chapter meeting and events. Her dedication to Beta Lambda Kappa and Macomb Community College is inspiring to chapter officers and members. She informs students about the benefits of Phi Theta Kappa, encourages students to participate in a variety of activities to further their leadership development skills and facilitates team-building activities. These team-building activities have given the officer team the opportunity to share the skills they learned with our members as well as planning and facilitating the Michigan Region …show more content…

She also makes sure to inform potential members that you receive many invaluable skills by participating in regular meeting and fellowship events that chapter holds. Jenn prepares the outline for 2 orientation sessions each semester with the chapter president and guides chapter officers through presenting the information to prospective members. This allows the chapter officers to work on leadership development and presentation skills.

In June of 2015, Jenn coordinated a two day leadership development training. First we went to a high ropes course to instill confidence and teamwork by encouraging each other to push our boundaries and to complete each course we started. The next day we went through expectations of each new officer in their respective roles, hallmarks, community standards, and deadlines to help keep us on track.

Jenn McCabe along with co-advisor Jamie Valente host two membership recruitment campaigns per semester as well as report members to headquarters. They coordinate mailers, which include Phi Theta Kappa recruitment brochures, to perspective members outlining the orientation sessions. Jenn works with the officer team to train and prepare us for presenting the membership information to our perspective members. She worked with the Records and Registration department and the

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