
Dr. Murray 's ' The Stutterer Story '

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The Stutterer Story was written by Dr. Frederick Murray. He tells about his life growing up as a stutter and his experience with other people. Dr. Murray describes his most difficult times and how living with this type of disorder has affected him. The purpose of this essay is to outline the life of Dr. Murray in his stuttering as well as expressing my own reflection on how others might view stutterers.
Only The Beginning
In the beginning of Dr. Murray 's life, he was only about the age of two when he started stuttering. His stuttering happened overnight. This seems like a dramatic way for someone to start stuttering all of sudden. Most times the child slowly develops their disfluency at a young age. Anything can happen to a human body that is out of the ordinary but it is less likely for someone to have abnormal speech in just one day. It was a difficult time for his family as well to watch him suffer through this, it had more of an affect on his mother than it did his father and brother. Dr. Murray never felt that he wasn’t wanted in his home. It wasn’t until his stuttering began that was in the way. He said, “While my family situation was very comfortable material, there were elements in our home that made life distressing for a small stutterer.” (p. 3) his parents beloved in social forms and traditions. Which makes it difficult for a stutterer, like Dr. Murray, to converse with people. With that, his stuttering was very noticeable. His parents felt

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