Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Brief
Dr. Pepper Snapple Group (DPSG) is one of the leading producers of flavored beverages in North America and the Caribbean (drpeppersnapplegroup.com). The company believes its 50 plus brands are synonymous with refreshment, fun and flavor. DPSG has 6 of the top 10 non-cola soft drinks, and 13 of their 14 leading brands hold the number one or two spot in their flavor category. Several successful acquisitions, mergers and in-house innovations helped DPSG develop a diverse yet flavorable brand portfolio. An integrated business model combined with a diverse brand portfolio positions are the keys to DPSG’s respected reputation.
The problem is Dr. Pepper Snapple Group must determine whether a profitable opportunity
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Building and enhancing leading brands, focusing on high-growth and high-margin categories, increasing presence in high-margin channels and packages, leveraging integrated business model, strengthening route-to-market through acquisitions and improving operating efficiency each capitalize on DPSG strengths and will greatly influence the decision to launch a new energy beverage drink (Kerin, 2013 pg 96).
Other relevant issues include understanding the attitude and behaviors of current heavy users. According to data for the United States, collected by Nielsen identifies busy mothers and their households are more likely to use energy drinks than average households (csnews.com). The data indicated that busy young moms had a higher purchasing index then young adults leaving college or independent singles, 20 -30 (csnews.com). This information is relevant because it will help identify a potential target audience.
Understanding competitors, their target audience and the attributes being emphasized by competitors will establish a competitive advantage. Red Bull continues to dominate the grossing $23 million in sales in 2011 and $29 million in 2012. Monster and Rockstar hold the number 2 and three spots in the
Once Quakers took control of snapple they made many mistakes that caused Snapples value to decrease by $1.4B. A lot of these mistakes can be contributed to the fact that they tried to use identical 4 P methods for Snapple and Gatorade. Quakers belived since these methods worked so greatly for Gatordade that they would also work for snapple. In terms of product and price they tried to introduce snapple in a bigger size. Quakers tried to get consumers to buy the more profitable size of Snapple which was 32 and 64 ounces. They believed since these sizes worked so well for gatorade they would also work for Snapple. However, Quakers didn’t take into account that people drink Gatorade when they are extremely thirsty from things such as exercise so they need
This case describes the various aspects of carbonated soft drink industry and the focuses on Squirt’s annual advertising and promotion plan in 2001. Squirt is a brand under the Dr Pepper/Seven Up, inc. The brand manager was concerned about the market targeting and product positioning and consulted advertising agency, Foote, Cone & Belding. The case also focuses on the entire industry structure and the marketing techniques used by the various leading companies so the Squirt’s annual advertising and promotion plan can be successful, and proper techniques to be used to target the growing Hispanic community in the markets where Squirt was popular. . The main aspect for the marketing planning for the brand, Squirt, is to focus on
Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. decided in September of 2007 to explore the profitability of expanding into the energy beverage market. Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. is a major competitor in the flavored carbonated soft drink (CSD) market, and also has a strong presence in the non-CSD market. The energy beverage market had an estimated $6.2 billion in retail dollar sales in 2006. The market grew at an average annual rate of 42.5 percent between 2001 and 2006, however, market industry experts estimated an average annual growth rate of 10.5 percent
§ Five dominant competitors: Red Bull, Hansen Natural (Monster), Pepsi (Sobe Adrenaline Rush, AMP), Rockstar, and Coke (Tab, Full Throttle)
Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. is the company which produces the brand Squirt. “Squirt is a caffeine-free, low sodium carbonated soft drink brand with a distinctive blend of grapefruit juices that gives it a tangy, fresh citrus taste. Squirt is the best selling carbonated grapefruit soft drink brand in the U.S.” (Kerin and Peterson, 2010) Kate Cox, the brand manager responsible for Squirt believes that market targeting and product positioning are key elements in Squirt’s advertising and promotional plan development. This case study will provide a summary and analysis of Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.’s options and the examination into the company’s strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities.
The energy drink market was mostly comprised of younger individuals, 18-34 males and parents of young consumers would also often drink such energy drinks. With prices ranging $2-$5 and averaging $2.99 these were the higher priced drinks. The market surveys suggest that the main desire the consumer has is energy enhancement, however over recent years some of the market has started to erode due to health concerns.
Consumer Behavior Monster Energy Target Market Because the energy drink is still part of a new and developing industry, the energy drink target market is different than in some of the other beverage industries. Monster energy drinks have become a very popular, “hip” part of society, but the market at which they are aimed is not as wide and expansive, or diverse, as some might think. Early in energy drink history, when they were first being sold in the United States, athletes were the primary consumers. This shows that even initially energy drinks were directed at a select crowd, a group of people with specific interests. Although the consumer base for energy drinks has now expanded beyond that of simply athletes, the target market is
The SWOT Analysis shows that Dr Pepper/Snapple Group is the 3rd largest soda/drink brand in the United States behind Pepsi and Coca-Cola. They have many opportunities to expand upon their brand. Acquiring other drink companies under their brand would be the most beneficial to reach a more diverse market. Doing so will cater to a larger variety of people that might not have bought one of their products otherwise. The threats are obvious. They have competitors such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi that have
Marketing executives at Cadbury Beverages, Inc. want to re-launch the following brands: Crush, Hires, and Sun-Drop soft drinks. However, Cadbury has seen several challenges arise in the eve of their next attempt to lead the market. Senior marketing executives decided to focus generally on the Crush brand of fruit flavored carbonated beverages. The key issues that were foreseen by Cadbury executives were the rejuvenation of the bottling network, figuring out brand equity, and develop new positioning. Lastly, there are numerous opportunities available for Crush to take advantage of that which
The target consumer market that should be chosen for a new energy beverage brand is males between the ages of 15 and 26. Marketing to this age group falls between the 12 to 34 year olds that estimate to make up 70 percent of the energy drink market (Kerin & Peterson, 2010). This would allow them to still market to the heavy users but would be able to narrow it down to a specific age group within the market. Marketing to this group would allow you to focus on groups such as high school & college students, athletes, and young adults entering the work force or newly parents. The students that would be using the energy products can use it for staying up to study or to help wake up and be alert in class. Athletes could use this product for refocusing after a workout or practice so they would crash. Young adults could use this energy drink for staying up in there social life late at night or to make sure they are awake in the morning for that new job to impress the boss. A different market would be the parents of a newborn. Markets like this could be beneficial because parents want to stay up to feed their new born and make sure everything is okay during the day especially after a sleepless night or two. Marketing to specific target markets helps companies clarify what the product is used for and how it can be beneficial instead of having it say we
Quaker wanted to expand their footprint in the beverage industry and add Snapple to create the most innovative distribution system in the industry. They expected the following benefits:
Energy drinks are a kind of refreshments that are advertised as soft drinks that boost energy. The truth is these kinds of drinks are full of many harmful ingredients, such as sugar, stimulants, and other herbal supplements. Energy drinks are targeting high school and college students who may use this kind of drink to keep them awake for a midterm, or even give them a hallucination feeling any other alcoholic beverages will do. Many studies showed the disadvantageous of these drinks, yet this industry has wildfire between underage kids who used it to show their rebellious side through a safe and cheap way. A new study shows that 34% of youth between the ages of eighteen years old and twenty- four years old consume energy drinks regularly
Energy drinks have outperformed the growth in carbonates in the last few years, and present a substantial opportunity for beverage manufacturers to extract further growth from their sales. There are many driving forces of change and critical success factors in the energy drink industry. Companies such as Coke Cola and Pepsi contend with criticism from health officials due to the excessive caffeine in most high-energy drinks. However, before the 2000’s consumers were accustomed to carbonated soft drinks as the traditional beverage. The shift to an energy drink, sports drink, and vitamin enhanced waters increased sales while becoming an alternative beverage choice for a fast-paced mobile society. Therefore, this industry endures many
If one has to analyze the profitability scheme of Red Bull Energy Drink, perhaps it can be safely said that it is in a very uncompromising situation. First and foremost, the stiff competition have paved the way for the emergence of many small time players (Helm 2005). With every bottled drink that aims to steal the limelight nowadays, Red Bull should capitalize more on its creativity and ingenuity—this is of course, in relation to advertising and marketing. The company should never disregard that Coca Cola and Pepsi are still top competitors (Helm 2005). More so, even if the two share equally different components as with Red Bull, still, it is evident that the two continue to partake into the market share. Meanwhile, the notion that energy drinks offers no variety in taste is an important marketing aspect that the company should take into full consideration (Laing 2005). In 2001, Pepsi had already released AMP Energy Drink (“Amp Energy Drink” n.d). It is the company’s maidens venture into the energy drink arena. Evidently, AMP’s raison d’ etre is to capitalize on Mountain Dew’s established image. The concept would be to introduce something new, yet very familiar (“Amp Energy Drink” n.d).
There are (3) reasons why I have chosen energy drinks as my NAB. First off, there is a growing market for energy drinks. Red Bull and Monster Beverage Corporation, together, form over 80% of domestic energy drinks volumes by estimates. Dollar sales for energy drinks grew almost 6% to $6.67 Billion in measured channels in 2013, which propelled sales growth for convenience stores (Team, 2014). A growing thirst for caffeinated “energy” drinks, which include the likes of Red Bull, Monster, and Rock star, has spurred a heart-thumping surge in sales. Globally, the energy drink industry has gone from a $3.8-billion business in 1999, to a $27.5-billion