
Dream Variations By Langston Hughes Summary

Decent Essays

n “Dream Variations” written by Langston Hughes, the impression he leaves on his audience is a sense of happiness. He uses imagery, diction, and rhyme to make his impression.
Hughes’ use of diction creates a feeling of joy and relaxation. “In some place of the sun, to whirl and to dance(2-3).” He is enjoying the sun by spinning and dancing around. This makes his readers believe he is happy. Hughes then goes on to say, “Then rest at cool evening beneath a tall tree while night comes comes on gently(5-7).” Hughes choice of words such as; rest, cool, and gentle give the impression of relaxation. And when one is very relaxed, that can be their happiness. Another poetic element that Langston Hughes uses is rhyme, “sun, done” and “tree, me.” Rhyming

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