
Dreams By Ed Struzik: A Psychological Analysis

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We can say that when dreaming, we jump to a different world plenty of our deepest feelings and sensations. Despite the fact that we do not always remember each detail of our dreams or do not recall them at all; it is certain that dreams are part of us. This mixture of images, feelings, and thoughts can tell us much of our inner-self, and moreover, give us a hint of how we would or would not react in situations when dreams coincide with reality. In the last edition of the article called, “Sweet dreams; A mirror of our most intimate secrets or just a random bombardment of brain signals?”, written by the author Ed Struzik, mentions that Sigmund Freud, one of the first people to study the science of dreams, assures "dreams reveal our most personal secrets and are a method in which psychological disorders expose and finally treated." Meaning that dreams could not only be the result of our imagination but one significant indicator of our health, especially when these are repetitive, traumatic and lucid, therefore, paying attention to them can help us understand more how our mind works and if we are struggling with something, …show more content…

Comparable to sleep, dreams also have "rules" and a process.Depending on our age, habits in life and other factors over a period of hours of sleep, we can properly function through the day. The same happens with dreams, there is also a time, in which the intensity of dreams is among the lightest and the deepest. In the book, "Sleep and Dreams" written by Rita Carters affirms that we spent near a third of our life asleep, during which time the brain remains active, making the brain generate dreams to give us a few of the most intense and strange experiences that we have. Thus, using so much of our time in sleeping and eventually dreaming, dreams should matter as much as sleep, and should not be a taboo topic or

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