
Dreams In The American Dream Essay

Decent Essays

Oscar Wilde once said, “A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” (44) Dreams are a polarizing idea, not because some people hate dreams, but rather some people hate the incessant optimism that follows. However, everyone does dream, whether they like them or not. This constancy gives rise to various situations: psychologists who think they can analyze such dreams, artists who think they interpret their own dreams, or authors who think they can convey theirs’ and other's’ dreams. John Steinbeck is an avid example of this with his novella, Of Mice and Men. In this novella, Steinbeck uses dreams as an important allusion to the American Dream, but with a negative attitude due to the Great Depression. Many of the characters, from Curley’s wife to Lennie, divulge the dreams they have or the dreams they have had. However, through these conversations, many of the characters and readers alike come to the conclusion that dreams are elusive, even to those who work hard for them. “Life is like a rollercoaster” the cliché goes. Although this is an incessant simile, there is a reason it is an eternal phrase: it is true. Some of life’s greatest moments are that of euphoria and joy, and others are that of depression and sorrow. Dreams often parallel this idea. However, hindrances and interferences can impede someone from achieving such dreams. These obstacles are vital in the accomplishment of one’s

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