
Drive Change Analysis

Decent Essays

Online inspirational TED talks lead feelings of curiosity, enlightenment and motivation due to their themes of constructive criticism, overcoming bullying and mindfulness. Margaret Heffernan’s session reflected upon her experience of daring to disagree. Shane Koyczan, through his personal story, spoke about overcoming hate towards others and provided inspirational means to the audience. Finally, Andy Puddicombe, presents a juggling act symbolizing life balance and mindfulness.
Inspiring Thoughts
TED talks always inspire people to change and develop. Although, topics of conflict, bullying, and mindfulness may appear seemingly common, if presented correctly, such areas are unique.
Drive Change: Margaret Heffernan presents on how having a conflict …show more content…

He starts off with a light and hilarious introduction where he gives us glimpses of his bullying-history but leads us into an intense ending talking where he talks about how bullying shapes a victim and affects his/her future. Because it has been so hard to convey the message of bullying through a positive light to the kids, Shane comes through as a blessing. (Shane Koyczan, To this day….. for the bullied and beautiful.)
Mindful Minutes: “Mindfulness expert Puddicombe incites everyone to consider the discomforting fact that we are no longer present in the world we live.1” His statement begs the need for us to consider and be curious about the present more. Nowadays, we are either focussed totally on our past or our future. We don’t give enough time to ourselves to think about the present moment and cherish it. He then goes on talking about how we can bring a change in our current lifestyle. Through his talk he shows us the power of thinking nothing. (Andy Puddicombe, All it takes is 10 Mindful Minutes.)
Reflect, Change & …show more content…

Through emotional poetry recital, Shane influences the audience to take a stand for personal rightfulness. It also reminds us, the viewers, that we can and should overcome the hatred of others. Heffernan’s talk offers a lot of potential for young minds. She talks about how the first step towards progress is to stand by what one says and also why we must try work with people with very different perspectives from us which in-turn will help us see our weakness and strengthen them. Puddicombe, being a mindfulness expert, explains on how we can be more present in our present. Where we think that meditation is about stopping all thoughts, he corrects us that it is more about seeing our thoughts move by stepping back from the plane of reality. He also compares a human’s daily life to the juggling act he performs, where he argues and succeeds in showing that ‘balance’ is the key to having a good life. All of the presenters invite viewers to reflect upon themselves and the environment, to consider their weaknesses and strengths and develop on them.
Sharing Sessional Resources
TED talks teach values. That is something we need to consider while approaching on how to introduce these ideas in the class. Although we could use the activities that the presenters presented, which are really good, I’d rather suggest holding a discussion about the themes that these videos showcased in class. While these videos will provide

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