
The Future of Races in America

Decent Essays

When watching a TED talk you automatically know your going to leave with some new profound thought or have your ways of thinking changed slightly. The primes behind TED talks is “Ideas worth spreading” right there in their mission statement is what persuasive speech is. In Ms. Alexander’s TED talk she did just that, she spread the idea to her audience of what the future of race in America will look like if we don’t seek to change the social, economical, and political policies that almost certainly put people in america as legal second class citizens.

From a communication and speech analysis stand point Ms. Alexander kept her self poised, keep her tone of voice smooth and inflecting when she needed to drive certain points home. She kept the audience engaged by moving around telling personal anecdotes that related to her topic to allow the persuasiveness of her speech to drive home about the problem of the criminal justice system and race as a whole. Her first point that really captivates and hooks you in within a matter of minutes of listening to the speech is when she says, “ People of color are the main ones incarcerated…Put in cages and treated worse than animals.” Right their she captivates and audience that otherwise believe she's crazy talking about race in the criminal justice system. Ms. Alexander managed to captivate and all WHITE audience on a topic that most had already made up there minds on. Her speech was effective in that all statistics about her topic she

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