
Driverless Vehicle Analysis

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It was on 2015, when Andy Greenberg was testing a driverless Jeep Cherokee in the highway. While just sitting in the jeep, the air vents started blasting cold air and the radio began to switch music stations and the volume to full blast! Andy was scared and tried to turn off the jeep by pressing the power button, but it was no use and soon the windshield went blurring from the wiper fluid. A picture of Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek appeared on the jeep’s digital display screen, letting Andy know they hacked the jeep, but to not panic since this was a test. The two hackers then drove the jeep into a ditch, but of course, Andy was okay. After that, the three knew that there could be a high possibility that in the future, driverless vehicles …show more content…

People may enjoy the idea of the future having driverless vehicles, but they don’t take the time to look at the other side where things can occur with driverless vehicles. First, let’s talk about the software issue because it’s 2017 we are surrounded by technology that can be used against us. Just as Andy, Charlie, and Chris realized that they can easily hack a Jeep, anyone can hack a driverless vehicle, especially experience hackers.“The Guardians” pointed out in their article, that hackers could hack into any vehicles they wish and can infect the vehicle with a virus just like a computer and can spread the viruses to every vehicle, especially if the software is poorly protected. “The Guardians” also mentioned how there are 5 types of hackers, 1) White Hackers who just hack into weak easy software, 2) Activist Hackers who hack with a purpose or motive, 3) Nation hackers who are the agencies who hack different nations, 4) Hackers of threats like Isis and 5) Criminals who hack to rob millions of dollars. People are also concerned about how the software can take the opportunity to collect personal data, which several people don’t feel comfortable with. I personally won’t be comfortable about it either, like come on, would you like to have a driverless vehicle take in all your personal information to be then …show more content…

Indeed the computer will be way more advanced than a human. The computer in the vehicle can determine the appropriate stopping distance and distance itself from another vehicle since a computer is actually more careful in calculating on driving since 81% car crashes are caused by the mistakes of us, humans. A computer cannot get distracted like us human do every day from being on our cell phones and it could reduce from speeding since the computer can calculate the speed limit. Driverless vehicles can also help police officers focus more on serious crimes than writing speeding tickets. It also has been stated that these driverless vehicles can improve in traffic and safety leading to reduce car accidents and deaths. These facts have given us the many reasons why we could trust these driverless vehicles! Or does

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