
Dronetech Budget Cut Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

This budget memo follows up on After considering the 20% budget cut, we the CFO’s at DroneTech have decided to not cut any employees(?). Instead we reduced the yearly budget of each section of employees. For the hourly employees, the budget was $450,000 with a $375,000 salary and 50% of $10,000 ($5,000) cover of benefits. With a 20% cut, the budget was reduced to $360,000 without having to cut any employees. For the salaried employees, the budget was $2,025,000 with a $1,975,000 salary and a 60% cover of $10,000($6,000) in benefits. With a 20% cut, the budget was reduced to 1,620,000 cutting employees. For the Executive employees, the budget was 1,500,000 with full coverage of benefits. A 20% cut brings the budget down to 1,600,000. We

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