
Drugs And Its Effects On Society

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Methamphetamine, a drug that for years has been sweeping our nation and claiming countless lives. Why are people turning to this drug knowing what it can and will do to you? This drugs affects so many lives around the world, even those who choose to not do it. I, myself, have been affected by this drug. Throughout all my teen years I watched own my mother fall to this awful addiction. This drug will completely rip lives apart, destroy families, and ultimately murder its user. I was lucky, in a way, my mother recovered, an incredibly rare instance. After enduring all the chaos and trouble that comes with a parent who is an addict, I decided very young that I would never go through that. Instead, I became a police officer, a very good on at that. I have lived a life on the outside looking in and watching the addiction eat way at everything a person can have or be. Now, I do everything I can to help stop this drug from reaching our children, our community, and fight to help those trapped receive the help they need. The History of Methamphetamine dates back to 1887 in Germany, amphetamine was first made and methamphetamine, more potent and easy to make, was developed in Japan in 1919. The crystalline powder was soluble in water, making it a perfect candidate for injection. During WWII, the drug was used to keep Nazi troops awake for long hours, allowing them to fight in the war and man concentration camps with little to no rest. The use of methamphetamine was not limited to

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