
Drugs: Hurt Players And Sports Essay

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Drugs: Hurt Players and Sports

Brett Favre, Diego Maradona, and Darryl Strawberry are all big name sport stars. They all play different sports, but all have the same problem: they tested positive for using illegal drugs. Cocaine, anabolic steroids, and painkillers are just a sample of drugs found in sports. Cocaine is described this way, “It makes you feel like you can do anything, and for athletes who long to be in control all the time, that's a strong temptation” (Coffey 1).
Anabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetic forms of hormones that produce muscle faster (Rozin 176). Over fifty percent of the players in the National
Football League are weekend or recreational users of cocaine (Burwell 1) .
Forty-four Olympians …show more content…

S. soccer team member Claudia Reyna
(Longman 1). Drugs hurt Maradona's health and reputation and prevented him from becoming a World Cup champion. Maradona wanted to leave the World Cup stage a champion. Instead he left as its most pathetic figure (Sports Illustrated 10).
As a final example, National League rookie of the year for 1983 and 1986 world series champ, Darryl Strawberry had a great future going for him, but not anymore. Strawberry checked himself into the Betty Ford Center for cocaine abuse (Verducci 16). Five months later he tested positive for cocaine. After this, Strawberry had no team to call his own, as he was suspended from baseball
(Verducci 17). Strawberry entered his third rehabilitation center in five years (Verducci 18). Drugs kept Strawberry away from his family. Ruby, his mother, said, “He didn't care what was going on with the family. He was not in touch with us” ( qtd. in Verducci 20 ). Cocaine can take a person away from a lot of things, but taking away from a family has to be the worst. Strawberry has had three wives, and five children by those three. Ruby said about the second, “His marriage was a bad one from the beginning”( qtd. inVerducci 22).
Cocaine took many valued things away from Strawberry: his wives, children, family, baseball, and, of course, money. Strawberry has since come clean and was a member of the New York

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