
Du Dubois Legacy

Decent Essays

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois was one of the most influential figures in civil rights history, but even outside of civil rights he was a loving and caring man, He started the activist Niagara Movement in 1905 and then cofounded the NAACP in 1909. A powerful intellect, Du Bois would become the first person who was African American to earn a PhD from Harvard and was a professor of history, sociology, and economics at Atlanta University. Du Bois made significant contributions to the world and opened minds throughout the world, later changing the world forever.
Du Bois decided to move away from religion during his college years and described himself as a “freethinker” throughout his life. He was a smart man who used science and education …show more content…

from Fisk in 1888, Du Bois enrolled at Harvard University, where he used his full potential as a student. He became acquainted with some of the leading intellectuals of the day, including William James, George Palmer, George Santayana, and Albert Bushnell Hart, and was encouraged to direct his studies toward history and the social sciences. At his Harvard commencement in 1890, he was one of five students selected to deliver an address. Du Bois’s speech on Confederate president Jefferson Davis and the issue of slavery in the United States gained him national attention, including a prominent review in the Nation. Graduating with a major in philosophy, Du Bois was accepted into graduate school in political science as Harvard’s Henry Bromfield Rogers Fellow and began work on Civil Rights for African Americans.. After being awarded his master’s degree in 1891, he received a Slater Fund grant, which allowed him to study and travel overseas from 1892 to 1894. Du Bois studied history, economics, politics, and political economy at the University of Berlin and completed a thesis on agricultural economics in the American South.
Though DuBois achieved many things through out his long lived life some would argue that he wasn’t successful enough or a good leader because asue he was a man of color. Many believed that Dubois couldn’t possibly be an effective leader because he was black but he actually proved that wrong through his achievements of graduating from Harvard and Founding the NAACP. Dubois was a smart man who didn’t let these words get to

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