
Dual Relationship Between Patient And Client

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In the mental health field, dual relationships can often be damaging to both the client and the therapist. There are several situations where dual relationships, whether considered ethical or not, affect the course of treatment for the client, and the personal lives of therapists. Although some forms of dual or multiple relationships are unavoidable, engaging in a personal relationship between patient and client always involves the possibility of skewing therapeutic results. Dual relationships are defined as having relations with the client outside of therapy, and in most cases it is considered to be unethical. There are four main types of dual relationships including professional, social, business, and sexual (Zur, 2014). A professional dual relationship takes place when a therapist and client are involved on a professional level, for example working in the same organization or collaborating outside of therapy on a project. A social dual relationship is manifested when the therapist and client engages in a friendship out side of the therapeutic relationship. This can form of dual relationship my take place either in person or online. For example, accepting a client’s friend request on Facebook, or agreeing to meet with a client for a friendly lunch. A business dual relationship is when the therapist and client also share an employer/ employee relationship. Lastly, a sexual dual relationship takes place when a therapist and client enter into a sexual relationship.
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