
Duties of American Citizenship: Theodore Roosevelt

Decent Essays

Duties of American Citizenship The speech by Theodore Roosevelt is important in creating awareness among the American citizens on the roles and responsibilities they have towards their country. Politics has always been considered to belong to a certain category of people and therefore making many people not to want its active participation. It is in fact considered by many American citizens to be an evil that only those willing to compromise on their values can participate in. Roosevelt however insists on the fact that politics is part of every citizen and those who shun it are mere pretenders who are not concerned about the welfare of the people. I found this speech so educative and wish that every American citizen would read it. The …show more content…

If for instance we say that we only need post graduates to lead us, how will those who have acquired minimum education meant to relate with them. It should be noted that for people to feel well represented, a leader must have the ability to empathise with their situation and ultimately deliver them from it. An educated person may not be able to speak a language that a least educated person can speak. There will also be a clash on interests and therefore creating a big gap. This is the same with the rich and the poor. Sometimes, some of the ambitions that political leaders have which they require the participation of the people may be quite ridiculous. A leader cannot for example venture into an expensive project among the poor people and expect them to fund it. This is because such people are struggling to put food on their table and may not necessarily have extra funds to find the project. It will however be reasonable if such a leader encouraged people to pull their resources together and think of ways of uplifting their living.
The reason why there is unequal development in the country even many years after independence is because of poor leadership strategies. Most of the leaders that are voted in mainly go in because they want power or want to fulfil personal goals. They may not even know what the needs of the people are

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