
Dylann Roof Debate Summary

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Bang, bang this was the noise the crowd heard in the Methodist Episcopal Church after Dylann Roof fired his firearm. In the article from the New York Times on July 10, 2015 “Background Check Flaw Let Dylann Roof Buy Gun F.B.I Says” was written by Micheal S. Schimidt. Too many people can easily walk into stores that sells gun and get one with minimal wait time. In the article written by Schimidt, Schimidt interviews the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (F.B.I). The director of the F.B.I goes on to say how the incident involving Dylann Roof could have been avoided with clearer communication and the waiting period. I agree with what the Director of the F.B.I says about how the commutation could have been better. I believe the

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