
Dynamic Flexibility Athlete: Kobe Bryant

Decent Essays

I do some stretching, but not very often or consistent. I think that I skip stretching mostly because of limited time. When I exercise I usually only schedule enough time to complete the necessary exercises. However I do stretch during a workout, and at times when my muscles and joints are sore or stiff, but I do not have a routine stretching or flexibility program. I have tried to incorporate some yoga exercise during my rest or off days, but I have a hard time sticking with it. Considering all this, it is a fair assessment that my static flexibility is average at best, if not poor. On the other hand, my dynamic flexibility I feel is good, I have no problems bending, reaching, throwing, or swinging. After reading more into the types of flexibility, I do not take time to improve static flexibility possible because I put more importance on dynamic flexibility. …show more content…

I chose Kobe because he has spent the last 20 or so years playing at the highest level in the sport of basketball. In any type of professional sport there is an extreme level of constant abuse put on the body, for a man that is 37 years old, playing a highly competitive sport with other player almost half his age, preparation is of the upmost importance. Basketball is no different from other professional sports, it takes great static and dynamic flexibility to avoid injuries while playing five games in seven days, two of those days being back to back games. In Kobe Bryant’s case, stetting to maintain stetting is important to avoid injuries. Injuries are inevitable in sports, and in Bryant’s case he works with closely and constantly with athletic trainers who structure his flexibility

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