
Dystopian Societies In The Hunger Games

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In the Hunger Games series, a dystopian future is set up. Over-population seems to be one of the biggest concerns. In order fix these problems games of entertainment are held where there can only be one survivor. Everyone who is chosen to participate in these games is fighting for survival where only one person can come out on top. While these dystopian societies are going on,there are also utopian societies that we can see in most Disney movies. It starts of by showing off a beautiful princess that meets with a dark force. Along the way, they have to fight against the dark force, until they end up close to death. Until their prince comes and wakes them up and everything is perfect because they live happily ever after. When people compare these different societies, they prefer utopian societies because they are free of problems or take risks. But, as much as anyone wants to live in a utopian universe it it not possible. If everything were perfect there …show more content…

In this utopian world, people can be free from whatever haunts them. Maybe they do not want a past to exist. They can wake up everyday with it being a literal new day where nothing happened the day before and there was nothing from the past like their mistakes that they could regret. It would be as simple as clearing browsing history except, it would be the history you had the day before or in past years. In this world there would be no problems to run from. The citizens would not have to build courage to face their fears simply because the problems they could have don’t exist in this “improved” life. In history we see the suffering that people have gone through. Take a look at world wars, or the Holocaust, or anything people suffer in. If every problem that ever caused these events never existed they never would have happened. People would not be scared to death, afraid of what society has become. Without these problems we could be calm and enjoy our

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