
Earl Nightingale's Accomplishments

Satisfactory Essays

“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it takes to accomplish it.” Earl nightingale. The last time I set a goal in seventh grade I accomplished it even tho it took a lot of time and effort. My goals this year I would like to accomplish is keeping my grades up, getting better in science, and keep on doing good in math. For my first goal which is keeping my grades up, I will come up with a startagi. The reason I wants to get good grades is because it will help with future struggles. But in order to keep my grades up the entire year, I am going to need to ask for help more often so I understand. Not only am I going to have to ask for help but I need to not procrastinate. Im also going to need to focus more on school instead of other things. …show more content…

Science was never my favorite subject because I never understood it. But this year I am going to ask for help. Also I'm going to focus more when the teacher is explaining. The third way I am going to accomplish my goal is, not procrastinate because it wont get me anywhere. The last and final goal I would like to accomplish from this point on is to keep getting better at math. Math is my favorite subject but theres always room for improvement. The number on thing I can do to get better is take notes and review them. Not only take notes but also focus. The last way I can accomplish this goal is to not

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