
Early Church History Essay

Decent Essays

Mormon Church History
The first thing that should be stated is that “Mormon” is just a nickname given to the church that is shorter and easier to say in one breath. The real name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was organized April 6th,1830 by Joseph Smith, The first of the latter day prophets. It has been almost two hundred years since that day and for most of the world Mormon history has faded and few remember the persecution the early church faced. Many other events coincide with the Church’s foundation that helped influence the direction it would take, and how it was affected and how others were affected by them.
In the years of Joseph Smith’s youth there was a great amount of turmoil because of the reformations being made in American society (Brinkley 288). In western New York the fervor from religion was so intense it was known as the “Burned Over District” ( Religious ministers were everywhere trying to convert new members and causing many to feel uncertain of which church was right. The Smith family was especially divided, each wanting to live good lives, but not knowing which church was the Christ’s true Church. At fourteen Joseph was uncertain of weather or not he should join the …show more content…

It was there that he received the revelation that none of the sects were the full, true gospel. A few days later he was led to a hill by the angel Moroni and there he found the brass plates that had been hidden there by Moroni when he was alive. Joseph was told to protect the plates and for four years he did so. In 1826 the angel Moroni told him to take the plates and translate them so all the world could read them, the translation became the Book of Mormon. Joseph was helped in this by his friend Martin Harris and Oliver Cowdery, who acted as scribes while Joseph translated. On April 6th, 1830 the church of Jesus Christ was formally

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