
Eating Disorders : Anorexia Nervosa And Bulimia Nervosa

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Imagine that Addie, a teenager, has become very self-conscious of her body and felt like she needed to be thin. She would do all she can to get thin. She would look in the mirror and see herself as being fat and ugly. So she chooses not to eat or she binge eat and then purge. Now Addie has what is called an eating disorder. An eating disorder is can be described as abnormal eating to alter the body image due to psychological reasons. According to Janet Belsky, it can also be classified as a pathological obsession with getting and staying thin. (Belsky 252) They are associated with a wide range of adverse psychological, physical, and social consequences. People become obsessed with checking their weight so they are constantly looking …show more content…

There are cases where eating disorders coincide with mental illnesses such as depression, sexual abuse, child abuse, and social media bullying. Most cases with sexual abuse the person often becomes depressed and feel like they do not matter because this is happening to them. After surviving such traumatic even some survivors turn to food to cope. It in turns become and obsession and causes them to spiral out of control. They also use food to hide their true feelings of this experience, especially if it becomes too overwhelming for them. They use food to avoid relationships and love and deem this as safe because food will not hurt them. They felt helpless and out of control with the abuse that with food it is easy to control. They tend to over eat and purge or monitor what they eat and get very thin. Eating habits like this only helps cope short term but what about long term. During child abuse, a child can feel like they are not good enough for their parent and try to change by altering their body image. They think “maybe mom will love me more if I’m skinny and perfect”, or they think that turning to food will give them comfort and love they do not get from their parents. In some cases, the disorder will not be the child’s fault because what if the parents are starving them. It is not fair that a parent would do that but it does happen. Being a teenager,

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