
Eating Disorders In Society

Decent Essays

Unfortunately, there are many people throughout every corner of the world that are pressured into being the perfect image of a woman in today’s society. This causes stress and the turn to eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binging; however, society has the power to prevent this. These are caused by disappointment in one’s body shape, and this disappointment can be triggered by depression, hateful comments, or the promotion of the importance of physical appearance. Eating disorders are extremely dangerous to one’s health, alter one’s mind to lead to depression, and can be prevented by minimizing certain factors in society. The influences leading to eating disorders should be discouraged, if not demolished because of these reasons. …show more content…

They can cause severe depression, the feeling of fainting, inability to think straight, lack of memory, a short temper, loneliness, and discontent for their body. People with an eating disorder are often irrational or moody. In Melinda Smith’s article, “Binge Eating Disorder”, she writes, “Depression and binge eating are strongly linked” (Smith). This affects the way they look at the world and the people around them. One might argue that people should be able to control their thoughts, but the addiction or malnutrition associated with these disorders is strong enough to override one’s normal thoughts, and the subject often feels hopeless. This information should assure that this is a very serious with the ability to alter someone’s …show more content…

There is a clear example of this in Rebecca Adams’ article, “Jennifer Lawrence’s Photoshop Job on Flare Cover Makes the Internet Rounds.” Jennifer Lawrence, a well-known actress, was featured on the cover of Flare magazine, and she had to have her picture photoshopped to make her look more appealing. The editors changed her bone structure, shaped her waist and hips, elongated her neck, and even changed the color and shape of her hands. An already gorgeous actress still needed to be refined so that her image fit the magazine’s expectations. This pressures people, women especially, into trying be the picture-perfect representation of society. Jennifer’s perspective on this was shown when she said, “The world has this idea that if you don’t look like an airbrushed perfect model, you have to see past it. You look how you look, you have to be comfortable. What are you going to do? Be hungry every single day to make other people happy? That’s just dumb” (Adams). Some people might claim that photoshop is absolutely essential in the selling of the picture, but that is exactly the point; not even models or celebrities are entirely good enough for the acceptance of society. It is definite that the requirements society has for each individual causes stress and pressure for them to be absolutely

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