
Eating Disorders Essay

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Eating Disorders

One of the most prevalent disorders amongst the youth of this era is eating disorders. While some overlook it and don’t think it is a problem eating disorders should be given serious consideration. This is because the psychological ramification of eating disorders tends to have lasting effects over the course of the adolescents’ life. An eating disorder is any of various psychological disorders, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia, which involves insufficient or excessive food intake. They are a silent epidemic and a exceedingly negative response to a misinterpretation of one’s role in the world. Adolescents with eating disorders are usually convinced they’re ugly, worthless, and untalented. While some …show more content…

Also, feeling that the only thing they can control in their lives is the food that they eat especially if they have very controlling parents, or boyfriends. Finally, models, teen idols, and movie stars are role models for most teenagers, and the popular look is thin or the most recent description is called the lollypop look. This is a major part of it because adolescents tend to compare themselves to these role models and are taught that sexy is thin and this is the way to be noticed. The major source of this is through television, movies and magazines. Bulimia, on the other hand, is characterized by massive food binges followed by self-induced vomiting or use of diuretics and laxatives to avoid weight gain. The word bulimia comes from the two Greek words, bous meaning cow and limos meaning hunger. Unlike anorexics, bulimics come from all economic levels, develop this disorder between 15 and 24 years of age, and are more likely to seek help because they realize they have a problem. Most people dealing with this disorder are attractive, successful women with no apparent weight problem. Bulimia usually starts when the person is under tension, usually associated with a change or a disappointment. They turn to food for comfort and eventually gain weight. Finally they start dieting followed by binging and purging. They also feel

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