
Motivation And Emotions: Bulimia By Mary Elizabeth Pipher

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Motivation/Emotions: Bulimia The Psychologist and author Mary Elizabeth Pipher said “In all the years I’ve been a therapist, I’ve yet to meet one girl who likes her body”. The need of control in our life and the needed to feel successful can bring a lot of emotional problems and sometimes people look for comfort in the wrong places, for example food, this can cause eating disorder such as bulimia, but to fully understand this term we need to analyze the definition, consequences and key theories. To begin with, according to the National Eating Disorder Association, bulimia is a potentially life-threatening eating disorder characterized by a cycle of bingeing and compensatory behaviors such as self-induced vomiting , fasting, excessive exercise …show more content…

Bio-medical theories tend to use biological factors to provide an explanation for example genetics, there are studies with twins that show that may be inherited through several genes or if a individual have immediate family member with an eating disorder the individual is up to 11 times more likely to develop bulimia, another bio-theory is imbalance in the brain, research with rats have suggest that by stimulating certain areas on the brain they can make them overeat or not eat, focusing on an area on the brain called Hypothalamus which regulates hunger and natural weight, when we live under stress this could cause unbalance on the intake and release of certain hormones that affect our ability to know whether or not we are hungry and low levels of neurotransmitters called serotonin which are involved in anxiety, appetite and

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