
Ebensee's Concentration Camps

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Ebensee was a concentration camp established by the SS to dig tunnels for weapons storage close to the town of Ebensee, Austria in 1943. It was a part of the Mauthausen network. Due to the inhumane living and working conditions, Ebensee is considered one of the worst Nazi concentration camps for death counts of its prisoners. The SS would use codename like Kalk, Kalksteinbergwek, Solvay, and Zement all relating to limestone or cement. Construction for the subcamp began in late 1943, and the first thousand prisoners arrived November 18, 1943. They came from the mau camp of Mauthausen and its subcamps. The purpose of the camp was to provide slave labor for the underground tunnels being built, in which armament works were to be kept. The pans …show more content…

Prisoners woke at four thirty in the morning and worked until six at night constructing and making the tunnels bigger. Shifts were done covering twenty-four hours a day. There was nothing to protect the first group of prisoners from the intense Austrian winter and the number of deaths increased immensely. Bodies began to be piled in large heaps and taken every three to four days to the crematorium at Mauthausen to be burned, Ebensee did not have its own crematorium. The bodies that weren't taken were also piled inside huts that existed. It has been said by survivors of the sub camp that the smell of the dead combined with the stenches of urine, sickness, and faeces was unbearable. As for clothes, inmates would wear wooden clogs but be left barefoot when the clogs fell apart. Like most camps, lice infested the camps. In the morning, food rations were half a liter of coffee, at noon, three quarters of hot water containing potato peelings, and in the evening one hundred and fifty grams of bread. Since the rations were so inadequate, living conditions were so inhumane, the onerous demands of hard labor, and beatings the death rates continued to …show more content…

It was the last remaining concentration camp in the area still controlled by the Nazis. The barracks that had been designed were meant to hold one hundred prisoners but eventually came to hold seven hundred and fifty each, there was twenty five Ebensee barracks. The prisoners being held in the tunnels under the open sky can be added to the number of prisoners being held. The crematorium at Mauthausen wasn’t able to keep up with the amount of deaths. As a result, naked bodies were piled outside the barracks and the crematorium itself. In the last few weeks of the war, the rate of death exceeded three hundred fifty a day. To reduce the amount of bodies lying around, a pit was dug and bodies were dumped in quicklime. In April of 1945 on a single day, there was a record of eighty bodies were removed from Block 23 alone; it has been seen that feet were twitching. During that time, the prisoner strength reached a large of 18,000. In May of 1945, shots could be heard in the distance from inside the camp and prisoners could sense that the AMerican and British forces were very close. In early May of 1945, the commandant of Ebensee informed the inmates that they had been given to the Americans and that they should fine shelter in the underground tunnels that the cam had, but the prisoners refused. They remained in their barracks and hours later some of the tunnels they were

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