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The Final Project will illustrate how family-centered programs, theories, and concepts support the early childhood classroom and the child’s family. The family-centered approach asserts that family involvement is important for a young child’s cognitive and social development. The Final Project, which will be presented via PowerPoint, will address the following scenario:
You are the director of a preschool program that serves children ages three to five. You are giving a presentation to teachers and parents to encourage partnerships in
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3. Explain how you will help parents to utilize the strategies to reinforce the desired ability at home.
4. Identify and describe a resource (either community or web-based) for the parents to use to continue their learningat home.
The PowerPoint presentation must be 18 to 20 slides in length, not including title and reference slides. You are encouraged to creatively address the material by including graphics, visuals, charts, graphs, and/or sound. Slides should be designed to clearly and concisely address the material. The PowerPoint presentation must be formatted according to APA style (i.e., include the title and reference slides and citations within each slide when appropriate.) The notes section of the PowerPoint must be utilized to expand on your presented points. The notes section should also include any additional information necessary to explain or show your point of view. You must also use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text and include at least four community resources (with websites included).
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The Final Project will illustrate how family-centered programs, theories, and concepts support the early childhood classroom and the child’s family. The family-centered approach asserts that family
Family involvement in an early childhood classroom means that families work together with caregivers and teachers to create an atmosphere that
For this outcome, I chose the CE101unit 6 assignment. I select this artifact because I provided information in childcare laws, early intervention and family services programs that promote family participation. This artifact shows my knowledge, commitment and desire to help families to find high quality childcare and resources within the community. It’s necessary to be aware of the resources that promoted family participation and address families concerned. One of the programs is known in Louisiana as “EarlySteps”. EarlySteps urges families to participate because they believe families are the child’s best advocates, also strongly ask that families always communicate any burden they may have. As teacher we have the opportunity to work with families
After graduating from Ashford University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Child Development; , I am hoping to obtain a job working in the Public school system alongside the Pre-k teachers in implementing programs for Pre-k or become an owner of a childcare center. The nature of families and children in relation to society is important for my profession because in order to help improve the childcare center. I also hope to develop programs for Pre-k that children and their families will benefit from. I first need to know how the child’s family has a big impact on the child’s life and their ability to function in society. Not knowing anything
The NAEYC statement on developmental practice indicates change and continuity and change in the early childhood education field is vital due to the fact that their main commitment is excellence and equity. Nevertheless, all new knowledge gained over time has been advanced and increased. This means that with understanding, it has allowed us to revise and refine ideas for promoting children's development and learning. With developmentally appropriate practice, meeting and enabling the children are required. This means that teachers should get to know them well and push them to reach goals that may be a challenge but are achievable for them.
A professional educator will actively view the child’s in association with their family and environment. They need to be viewed in context with their family as this will make the educator aware and respect the values and culture of each family and student. Principle 2 of the EYLF mentions ‘Learning outcomes are most likely to be achieved when Early Childhood Educators work in partnership with families’ (EYLF, 2009, p12). This is mostly effective when a successful educator uses strategies that actively involves the family, by introducing families to the classroom through plan programs that invites parent input.
Gibson, J. E. (2012). Interviews and Focus Groups With Children: Methods That Match Children's Developing Competencies. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 4(2). doi:10.1111/j.1756-2589.2012.00119.x
Interning at the TMC Head Start My internship experience Pre-Kindergarten students it provided me with a cumulative opportunity to integrate all I had learned at University of Houston-Victoria and apply it in a practical setting. Since most of my coursework revolved around the social, emotional, and moral development of children, my paper focuses on the importance of classroom community in schools. Through journaling, observing, and working directly with Pre-Kindergarten students, I discovered how classroom community can facilitate learning, promote social awareness, and provide much needed stability.
My philosophy of Early childhood education is based on research that indicates that a child’s growth is developmental. Every child is unique in terms of life experiences, developmental readiness, and cultural heritage. A high quality early childhood program that provides a safe and nurturing environment, which promotes physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive development will ensure a positive continuation of the child’s education process
This week in class we discussed early childhood and development. We also read chapter 15 in Development of Children and Adolescents and had our second trial of discussion about, “Are Father’s Really Necessary?”, where my partner Kelly Bruner and I had the yes section this time. We also discussed our final individul projects concerning our final paper. The final paper is around twenty-five pages that include ten scholarly sources. This paper is about your life, including a title page and an abstract on your sources. This paper is due Monday of finals week by midnight. Also, the last week of classes we will receive twenty-five points extra credit for attending class.
Although our textbook discusses the issue of continuity between home and program in both aspects; pros and cons, but I feel that when looked at from a cultural point of view, this factor can be very vital in early childcare. In my opinion, in infancy and through toddler years children need to be in more familiar environments especially if they come from a culture that is minority. When children see adults who are from the same culture, speak the same language and have values that are similar to what they have seen at home, they feel at home and above all they stay connected with their language and culture. This similarity can also create a very positive experience for the young children who see role models in the adults in the childcare centers
The authors reached that parents need to be involved early on in the child’s schooling. This way, the parent knows what the child is learning and can help the child with problems in academic and social live at preschool. Head start is one of the main preschools that use parent involvement. Head Start uses family involvement to be a c cornerstone of their approach, with workshops, family involvement in classrooms, mandated involvement on committees, and family liaisons designed specifically to foster involvement. The authors of the article I am doing, did a study on the relation between parents that were involved with their children in preschool and showed how it helped the children, harmed the children, and also what factors were. They
“Play is developmentally appropriate for primary-age children and can provide them with opportunities that enrich the learning experience” (Copple & Bredekamp 2009). Early childhood education holds two main focuses; a child-based focus and a family-based focus. Early childhood education has positive outcomes on the child through their learning experiences, and their growth and development. Based on the family, the results of early education happen through the communication that the family has with the educators and by the encouragement they get from within themselves, and also from the educators.
Early years programs provide young children with the opportunities to enhance their potential and develop a foundation for future success in learning. As a trained Sociologist (community development), I understand that family and community are the two main agents of early learning for children. I am aware that these agents influence children almost
The Early Childhood Education program at Carlow University focuses on educating children from birth to grade four in any context—school, family, or community. As a signature mark of the program, students learn how to honor diversity and form strong inclusive relationships between child and caregiver/teacher. They learn that a child’s environment needs to be rooted in trust; physically and psychologically safe. They learn that the caregiver/teacher relationship needs
Children’s lives are centered initially within their families, the family environment becomes the primary agent of socialization. The family environment “involves the circumstances and social climate conditions within families. Since each family is made up of different individuals in a different setting, each family environment is unique. The environments can differ in many ways. For example, one obvious difference lies in the socio-economic level. Some families live in luxurious twenty-four-room estates, own a Porsche and a Mercedes in addition to the family mini-van and can afford to have shrimp cocktail for an appetizer whenever they choose. Other families live in two-room shacks, struggle with time payments on their used ‘85 Chevy and have