
Economic Factors In The 17th Century And The Dutch East India Company

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In the 16 and 17th century, and the Dutch East India Company (VOC) was very profitable and a large employer. They were also the world's largest commercial entity in the 17th and 18th century, which employed approximately 30,000 people. They carried goods and slaves across the Atlantic Ocean. One of the major historical significances of VOC is that they were the first country to build an entire empire of trading in numerous countries. Their willingness to find the sailing routes, turned out to be a great success, which opened a tremendous amount of opportunity for them to trade, and VOC strategically took complete advantage of the opportunities. As with everything in history, the results of the Dutch East India Company are both good and bad. Investors formed the first corporation with the joint venture stock company in 1602. They combined assets to gain power, and they had a monopoly to trade with the Indies Asia and the Indian Ocean. Their motive was profit; they fixed prices. The Dutch East India Company's had an immoral side as they could get countries to trade goods against their will with either by persuasion or violence. The VOC was lawless and protected and built up its monopoly. Dutch financial power is still powerful today. The economic philosophy of “mercantilism” grew and presumed the world’s wealth was fixed, it didn’t matter that one county could suffer economically at the expense of another (Pollard, pg.xxxxx).

The American colonies had the purpose of

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