
Managerial Economics Quiz

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draw a diagram of a perfectly competitive firm earning a positive economic profit assume the wages, which the firm pays to its workers, falls. Illustrate the impact of such an event on the price, output and profits of this firm

2. Examine the following statement to see whether it is true or false. If it is true, explain why it is true. If it is false, explain why it is false and then write the statement correctly.
A profit maximising perfectly competitive firm should select the output level at which the difference between the marginal revenue and marginal cost is greatest. This is equivalent to selecting the output where the spread between total revenue and total cost is greatest.

In the short-run, it is possible for an …show more content…

If R < VC the firm should shut down.
A decision to shut down means that the firm is temporarily suspending production. It does not mean that the firm is going out of business (exiting the industry).[24]] If market conditions improve, and prices increase, the firm can resume production. Shutting down is a short-run decision. A firm that has shut down is not producing. The firm still retains its capital assets; however, the firm cannot leave the industry or avoid its fixed costs in the short run. Exit is a long-term decision. A firm that has exited an industry has avoided all commitments and freed all capital for use in more profitable enterprises.[25]
However, a firm cannot continue to incur losses indefinitely. In the long run, the firm will have to earn sufficient revenue to cover all its expenses and must decide whether to continue in business or to leave the industry and pursue profits elsewhere. The long-run decision is based on the relationship of the price and long-run average costs. If P ≥ AC then the firm will not exit the industry. If P < AC, then the firm will exit the industry. These comparisons will be made after the firm has made the necessary and feasible long-term adjustments. In the long run a firm operates where marginal revenue equals long-run marginal costs.[26]
[edit]Short-run supply curve
The short run supply curve for a perfectly competitive firm is the marginal cost (MC) curve at and above the shutdown point. Portions of the marginal

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