
Edgar Allen Poe's The Black Cat

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In the short story “The Black Cat” author Edgar Allen Poe creates an intriguing yet dark story by using multiple elements of literature. During Poe’s writing era of the mid eighteenth century he became famous for his dark short stories and lighter poems. His darker edge becomes quite apparent in “The Black Cat.” Although many find his work disturbing one couldn’t not disregard his natural knack of using literal elements to his advantage. In Poe’s “The Black Cat” he uses symbolism, plot structure, and tone to complete this particular short story. Early in the beginning Poe introduces the cat that will be the symbol for the main characters deterioration. While describing the characters first major break Poe writes “One night, returning home, …show more content…

In the beginning or exposition Poe describes the characters past love for animals and tenderness. The rising action begins with statements like “I grew, day by day, more moody, more irritable, more regardless of the feelings of others. I suffered myself to use intemperate language to my wife. At length, I even offered her personal violence” (138). These descriptions will build suspense up to the beginning climax of the character’s first major break. As the story moves forward another climax is reached as the character murders his wife. We begin to see falling action before one last climax. Poe writes from a first person perspective of the character “‘Gentlemen," I said at last, as the party ascended the steps, "I delight to have allayed your suspicions. I wish you all health, and a little more courtesy. By the bye, gentlemen, this -- this is a very well-constructed house’”(142). This leads the readers to believe the story is to end but another climax happens as the cat gives away the location of the corpse. The resolution is clear as the body is found and the man is taken into custody for his crime. This plot structure relies on suspense and climax to keep the audience thoroughly intrigued throughout the story, the other plot elements are used merely to make the story follow able for the

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