
Editorial Calendar Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

How to Create an Editorial Calendar that Will Lead you to Success

I could mention more than 20 reasons to why most bloggers fail to be consistent when blogging or they quick blogging altogether.

I could write a whole blog post just dedicated to that, but today I am only focusing on one reason.

One of the reasons bloggers fail to be consistent with their blog is because they don't have an editorial calendar. Believe me when I say that having an editorial calendar will help you be consistent and therefore lead you to succeed in the blogging world.

If you are a blogger and you don't have an editorial calendar or you want to improve yours allow me to share how to create an editorial calendar that will lead you to success.

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There are 3 questions that you need to answer before creating your posting schedule.
How much time can I dedicate to blogging? The reason why I start with this question is because I know that a lot of bloggers are not full time bloggers, they have full time jobs or are full time moms or are full time students. So depending on your situation, decide how much time are you willing to dedicate to blogging.
2. How much does it takes me to write a post? Maybe you blog about product review and after testing the product, it only takes you an hour to have a finished post ready to publish. Or maybe you have a DIY blog and writing a blog post takes you 2-3 hours. Chances are that if you review products in your blog you will be able to produce more content in less time. Therefore this blog will be able to publish more posts throughout the week than the DIY blog. (But of course it all depends on the amount of time available to blogging)
3. Am I willing to blog consistently? If you really want to take your blog seriously (which I know you do) then you probably are ready to start building that editorial calendar.

Always remember that you need to set yourself for success. So take the first step now! Now that you have answered all the questions, build a posting schedule that works for you. Keep in mind the 3 questions. You want the number of post per week to be doable. Then pick the days when you will be posting.

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