
Educating Children With Learning Disabilities And Needs

Decent Essays

Responsible assessment can be defined as a continual process of gaining information by getting to know the child. All teachers should practice responsible assessment using knowledge, skill, and disposition to address the needs of young children. Teachers asses children because it provides them needed information to help children with learning disabilities and needs. Assessment also gives teachers a more guided approach to teaching that is fitted to each child individually. The purpose of assessing young children is not merely to learn about children, but uncover and plan for their individual learning styles, behaviors, weaknesses, skills, and personalities. Teacher’s beliefs, efforts, and ethics should guide them to assess a child to the …show more content…

If the child is assessed by someone he is not familiar with he may become intimidated or have trouble trusting the assessor. With the possibility of this mistrust, the assessment then becomes inaccurate. The environment should be taken into account when assessing a child. Taking a child out of his environment intimidates and confuses him, causing stress and inaccurate assessment data. A professional may assess a child because of requirements from the state or because the professional may feel there is a need for a particular child to be assessed in certain areas of weakness. Jumping to conclusions without enough accurate information or assessing a child in an environment out of his comfort zone can bring a false assessment. False assessments are dangerous because if help is not needed professionals may in fact be limiting the child 's learning and development. Accuracy is important for both the child and the teacher/professional. There should never be an assessment that comes short of the professional’s best effort. Accuracy is needed within assessment to know where the child is in both learning and development. If teachers do not know where the child is within learning and development, they do not know how to further the child’s learning and development within education. Above all if teachers do not provide accuracy within development they bring the possibility of miss-labelling a child with a special need or a special talent. Assessments can be

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