
Education And Poverty In Education

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How does poverty affect educational opportunities? The impacts of poverty on children are wide-reaching and can prompt long-term life struggles, particularly when young people don’t receive a good education. Poverty and education are inseparably connected, on the grounds that people living in poverty may quit school, so they can work instead, which leaves them with a lack of literacy and numeracy skills, which then causes them to not be able to advance in their careers. Their children, thusly are brought up in a comparable circumstance years later, with little income and few options, but to leave school and work. For the students living in poverty that do choose to stay in school have to deal with the poor education offered near their home. Most high-poverty, high minority schools will receive significantly less state and local money than more wealthy schools, and students in such schools will probably be taught by teachers who are unpracticed or teaching outside their specialties. Studies have also been done about how physical and social-emotional factors of living in poverty can affect students’ cognitive performance in a detrimental way. There’s a lot of reason that students decided to drop out of school: little support from parents, lack of motivation, poor academic performance. However, for low-income students, the decision to quit school is more economic. These students need to work to support their families. Urban Institute, using data from 2008- 2012 American

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