
Education In California Essay

Decent Essays

Students in California are suffering the consequences of policies passed by lawmakers, which reduce the funding of the education system. Reduced funding has lead to a decline in the quality of a public school education in California. Larry Abramson, Dean of journalism at University of Montana School and journalist for National Public Radio, appraises the Californian budget cuts and has found that funding of its elementary and secondary schools has been cut by $18 billion within the previous two years (Abramson). The large reduction in funding of education in California is a result of the shifting of control over budgets from a local district level to a state level in order to equally fund all schools and create a unified standard for education. …show more content…

In order to help lessen the negative consequences of this change, Governor Brown, in 2013, revealed and passed a new funding plan for the education system, The Local Control Funding Formula, which promises to increase education funding over the next eight years (“Local Control Funding Formula”). Governor Brown’s new funding system has started to recover funding for schools in California, but advocacy groups are proposing new revisions, which further help improve the conditions of Californian public schools. The California Teacher’s Association (CTA), a liberal group that has advocated on behalf of the students of California since 1863 and has successfully increased education funding by millions of dollars (“Who we are”). The CTA has constructed a proposal, which increases funding for schools by developing a system of tax fairness. Tax fairness focuses on expanding state revenues by stabilizing the amount of taxes collected by the state (“Tax Fairness”). The system of tax fairness would create a stable revenue source for California’s new funding system. Although CTA and many organizations in California believe that the next crucial revision to the LCFF is securing funding, there are groups who believe that other revisions have

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