
Educational Attainment And Parental Support

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The sample was drawn from 33 rural and urban schools. The target sample consisted of 3000 Children from rural schools and 1000 from urban schools. The mean, S.D., t-test and co-efficient of correlation was used for arriving at conclusions. The hypothesis of the study framed were, there is no significant sex difference in the academic achievement of primary school children, there is no rural urban difference in academic achievement of primary school children. The findings of the study points out that, Socio-economic status is positively and significantly co related with academic achievement at the primary stage of education, Higher SES category students show significantly better academic achievements in comparison to meddler low SES …show more content…

Ganguly (2004) studied determinants of academic achievement in rural and urban areas and found that parental care about child’s education, emotional climate at home and socio-economic status of family had a positive correlation and crowded living conditions at home had a negative correlation with the academic achievement of students in rural and urban areas; library facilities, teacher’s training, teacher’s classroom behaviour and attitude towards teaching had a positive correlation and student teacher ratio had a negative correlation with the academic achievement of students; peer influence and movies had significant and positive, and the distance between home and school had significant negative correlation with achievement of students; attentiveness to study, school attendance, health and interest in study had a positive correlation with students’ achievement. Jayaswal et al. (2003) examined the role of parental support and academic achievement of tribal school students by taking a sample of 300 students through multistage sampling technique and found that parents of high achievers exerted significantly more support in their children’s studies than the parents of low achievers students; the parents of high achievers had higher aspiration for their children’s educational success and high prestigious occupation with attractive financial return, but the parents of low achievers were not strongly ambitious of children’s upward mobility; the high achievers

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