
Educational drama in education

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Educational drama in education for sustainable development: ecopedagogy in action

he research on which this paper is based is a response to the UNESCO directive for the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) 2005–2014. Educators are advised to prepare young people for sustainable development and global citizenship and the Arts should be included in programmes in ESD. This paper presents an overview of a research project based on the hypothesis that educational drama might be a useful medium for teaching and learning in environmental, sustainable development and global citizenship education. Central to the project, an ethnographic case study employing a multi‐case approach, based on three research questions, was a series …show more content…

Its goal is to ‘encourage changes in behaviour that will create a more sustainable future in terms of environmental integrity, economic viability, and a just society for present and future generations’ (UNESCO 2005) and to help young people to become ‘global citizens’ (UNESCO 2006). In response, the Scottish Government (SDELG 2006) recommends that education for sustainable development should offer young people opportunities to practise and develop:

sensitivity to and appreciation of the social and natural environment;

some factual understanding of environmental and social problems and issues;

knowledge/understanding of the social environment;

skills to find out about and explore environmental issues;

civic skills to influence decision‐making in society;

researching and communicating information about one 's own environment;

improving one 's own environment: acting responsibly; and

critical reflection on the quality of environmental developments.
Educators are challenged to find interesting and meaningful ways of helping young people to develop the knowledge, skills and values they will need to become actively involved in building a more sustainable future. UNESCO states that drama can be part of the teaching and learning process. This paper sets out the results of a research project the aim of which was to discover if the

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