
Edwin Abbott's Flatland

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Flatland Project – Option 6 Every book has a story behind it. Even books about square and triangles have much more meaning if you think about it. The author, Edwin Abbott, studied theology, the studies of religion. I believe that when he wrote Flatland, he possibly had theology in mind with likely connections. The possible connections between the story of Flatland and theology could be the similar “god-like” creature from another world, the teachings of the unknown, and the unacceptance of that new information. When Abbott wrote Flatland, multiple mentions of a godlike creature appeared. For example, the people of Lineland consider Square a godlike creature, although they didn’t appreciate him very much. Nevertheless, Square differs from …show more content…

Both the real world religions and Flatland have shown the knowledge acquired from visits of more sophisticated visitors. Whether it is Jesus or Muhammad teaching about loving one another, Buddha’s care for the Earth as it takes care of us, or Hindu Vedas for finding enlightenment through their symbolism, the different teachers try to influence the rest of the world to become a better place. It doesn’t matter whether or not their stories substantiate or contradict each other, it was meant to teach better ways to live in this world, or to show possibilities of anything happening. Flatland had shown that beautifully. When Square flew across his world, he believed he was a god. Sphere immediately told Square that the reason Sphere would show someone a higher understanding is so that the world Square lives in could be aware of their flaws. Stories aren’t there to be facts and pure rules everyone in the religion should follow. Like Sphere explained, the reason why advance individuals give knowledge to the lower world is so that the lesser world will understand the defects of their world and aim to fix

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