
Edwin Torres Research Paper

Decent Essays

Twenty year old Queens, New York native, Edwin Torres is on his third (non consecutive) year at York college. While undecided about what he’d like to do after college (he’s the first to disclose he’s extremely easy going and lazy) he knows one thing. He’d like to graduate. Currently Edwin is working on a B.S. in environmental health science. EHS is the study of human disease in connection to the environment. For those that meant to google it and now won’t have to. Yep, his guy is looking to improve the quality of the earth and the people inhabiting it. Growing up Edwin was the youngest of three siblings, and an avid animal lover. Once a proud owner of boxer dog named Fudge he spent several years caring for the dog before it sadly passed away from cancer at the age of eleven (seventy-seven in dog years). He tells me it’s a thing that happens to all boxers. In fact Fudge lived years beyond it’s expectancy. Also a gamer Edwin has competed in multiple tournaments and cites video games as his favorite hobby. One he’s able to pursue inhibited with no occupational or personal commitments this semester. Mentioning competitive one-on-one fighting video games has his favorite genre. He’s counts the crossover video game Marvel vs. Capcom as his favorite. And when I ask his favorite character to play he’s quick to say Iron Man (Tony Stark’s alter ego) from The Avengers - earth’s mightiest heroes. …show more content…

No, in highschool Edwin was apart of his school’s volleyball team. Enjoys watching MMA (mixed martial arts) fights on the big screen, and keeping up with other sports such as football and soccer. While cheering for native New York tears. Around the house Edwin finds himself quite handy at fixing things. His most recent project being his father’s old keyboard which he took apart and cleaned from the inside in. His most impressive? Building an HDD drive for his video game console from

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